CAMICO was recently presented with the Award in Innovation by the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) at the association’s 2016 Management Conference in Hilton Head Island, S.C.
CAMICO received the award for its Idea Central program and in-house innovation support team that uses employee suggestions to improve on processes within its organization. The Idea Central program was masterminded by Jag Randhawa, vice president of information technology for CAMICO.
“The Idea Central program was designed to fall in line with one of our mutual principles—to extend a ‘philosophy of ownership’ to all employees,” said Ric Rosario, CPA, CFE, CGMA, CAMICO president and CEO. “CAMICO has realized several benefits that have been brought to the forefront, such as increased employee engagement, leading to higher customer satisfaction, increased productivity, and creative problem-solving.”
Kristen Spriggs, NAMIC’s vice president of member development, said, “The Award in Innovation was created to allow NAMIC members the opportunity to showcase the vision and entrepreneurialism it takes to stay relevant in changing times. All the companies that entered submissions are to be congratulated for the outstanding work they do in serving their policyholders and their employees.”