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Policyholder Social Media Survey Results

In the preceding issue of IMPACT (103), we asked readers to complete a brief survey to help CAMICO better understand the social media habits and practices of our policyholders. Here are highlights of the survey results:

1) Most survey respondents (56% to 84%) use social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube for both professional and personal purposes.
2) Respondents access social networking sites for work/professional reasons between once a week and a few times a week.
3) Most respondents access social sites on Saturday (57%) and Sunday (58%).
4) Over 90% of respondents spend less than 30 minutes on average during each social media visit.
5) Over 90% of respondents prefer to read just short posts in one social media session.
6) The majority of respondents use social media/networking sites for:
a) professional networking, and joining professional groups and online communities (92%); and
b) sharing and exchanging information with CPA peers/followers (90%).
7) When asked what kind of information they would be interested in, or would more likely read on CAMICO social media sites, common responses were:
a) a forum/group where readers can ask questions and solicit feedback on CPA trends and issues (92%);
b) industry news, industry expert insights (89%); and
c) webinars, videos, podcasts (87%).
We appreciate the time and thought given by those of you who chose to participate, and we’ll be incorporating your feedback into our own social media activity. Questions regarding the survey can be directed to

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